Ales Tech is the DITECFER Italian Leader in Railway Innovation 2016
/We are proud to announce that Ales Tech has won the Italian DITECFER contest, dedicated to the most innovative projects in the railway industry.
The contest has been promoted by DITECFER, the Italian District for railway's technologies, high speed and network safety.
"This year's winners include solutions that go far beyond the railway industry. This shows the great know-how of Tuscan entrepreneurs, that cover transversally all the supply chain dimensions and at the same time can even anticipate the future needs of all the actors operating in the railway sector" stated Arcangelo Fornelli, President of the Tuscan Railway District
"Two of the awarded solutions - including Ales Tech's Active Suspension System - deal with safety issues, focusing on significantly reduce vibrations, in line with the ERRAC (the European Railway Research Advisory Council) goal to eliminate them by 2050" adds Daniele Matteini, president of DITECFER Scarl.
With this golden ticket, Ales Tech will automatically participate as a finalist in the European competition, the "ERCI Innovation Awards 2016" during the Innotrans 2016 fair in Berlin, the world's largest trade fair focused on the rail transport industry.
Siamo orgogliosi di annunciare che Ales Tech ha vinto il contest DITECFER (Distretto per le Tecnologie Ferroviarie, l'Alta Velocità e la sicurezza delle reti).
“Sono premiate innovazioni in grado di offrire risposte alle grandi sfide sociali e competitive del ferroviario europeo. Due di esse affrontano il tema cruciale della Safety, puntando a ridurre in maniera concreta possibili casi di incidentalità, ed una mira a dare un contributo sostanziale alla riduzione delle vibrazioni, che ERRAC punta ad avere azzerate entro il 2050” – così Daniele Matteini, Presidente di DITECFER Scarl, il braccio operativo del Distretto.
Le aziende selezionate (insieme ad Ales Tech, vincitrice, anche il Consorzio STARS Railway Systems e Fretless Idea s.r.l) hanno avuto automaticamente accesso agli “ERCI Innovation Awards 2016”, che si terranno a Berlino presso Innotrans 2016, la più grande manifestazione fieristica al mondo dedicata alle tecnologie per il settore ferroviario. A questo link il comunicato stampa completo di DITECFER (in italiano).